Thursday, 13 October 2016

Apple cake / Ябълков кекс

Hello everyone...welcome to this cozy place where I share my seasonal life being! Yesterday my sis and I made this wonderful Vegan Apple Cake that officially underline the begging of the new season -Autumn!

I love that time of the year because it resembles a beautiful love story or those fairytales that my grandma used to narrow. The colours are the best part of the whole experience.  
I love that season because of its colours that are shinning and dancing along with the strong winds. The sky is like a capsule...embracing the whole world under its big and cozy hug. The rain drops are knocking on the window...are trying to communicate with the inner life , the soul, the piece. Every step that we made is followed a beautiful cup of tea, freshly baked cake or a melody put on a side. 
Last week I told you that this post is going on what kind of lifestyle has our grand grand parents used to follow. I really wanted to talk about the because during the years the food production has conquered the human's eye so that we eat way more unhealthy food. 

Think about the quality food, that real art made by the nature...all the fresh fruits and vegetables, natural grownups. You must have heard the term " seasonal food " the massage that we can receive from it is a diet based on eating that type of growns which are spesific for each season. That means in  autumn our diet must be focused on beetroots, spanich, eggplants, zuchini, peppers, cauliflower, patatos, cabbage, leek...The best thing is to search what grows at your location...the easiest step is directly to go to a local farm and see what the farmer has collected as their own production. 
If we think about what used to be life 100 years ago we'll see that the way people eat was really important aspect of their life. They were listening to their did the organism accept the outer space and of course the weather conditions. As an example we can take these situations : 4-6 times for a month in one year,here in Bulgaria, people took the diary products out from their daily diet...I definitely have to mention that the consumption of meat had been reduced and surely say that only those who had a farm animal allowed themselves to eat meat...but at all it may happened once in the winter months. 

Two weeks ago I had a meeting with my homeopathy - a wonderful person that I admire with each part of my soul. She has been walking along with me through my whole journey and made me feel alive...showed me the reason for being alive!
We talked about her grandpa who used to live with his family in the "Western Rodope".The family like all the other local people didn't eat meat and also included these dairy free months( detoxification)

Vegan Apple Cake

140 g rice flour
45 g almond flour 
3 small apples 
3/4 cup of natural cane sugar 
1 TBSP cinnamon 
1 TBSP baking powder 
2 chia eggs
3/4 cup olive oil

Mix the dry ingredients. In another bowl combine the sugar with the olive oil. Then add the chia eggs and the shredded apple. Since  the mixture has turned out smooth add the dry ingredients. 
Mix carefully until it gets smooth and bake for 40 min in a preheated oven for 180C. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Chocolate Chia Pudding / Шоколадов крем с чиа семена

Welcome again to Food.Fashion.Lifestyle...Last week I missed uploading a new post because I was not ready to talk/write...I had that need for personal imperfection to close my eyes and help me calm down my existence!

Today I am going to talk about what is for me being a Vegan...the philosophy of following a plant-based diet. 
As I have written plenty of times this blog is created because of those who are trying to find  the three golden goodies - inspiration, beauty, love! My aim is to create easy but delicious recipes that could be done by everyone. Every new step that is made by you will change your life...every little difference that appear on your lifeline will make you closer to the person who you want to be...the healthy, full with energy and cheerfulness person. 

So lets begin with this week's topic that I represented several rows up...Vegan Diet.
This theme is one of the most discussed rubrics through out the social media. I am a person who loves the new things, all those mental innovations that change our daily routine. So my interest became bigger and started searching for extra information through books, videos and people who I know and are representatives of the medical spheres. My sis and I begin this adventure with trying vegan recipes, mostly sweets, then our interest got bigger and we changed our way of thinking because is important to be tolerant and take the massage given by all those living vegans out there. It is important to listen our organism and pay attention on it function...For me the best part of being a Vegan is that your imagination enlarges so that you build a new side of your personality - the way you think about the surrounding life.
But their is another part of this whole adventure that makes me feel uncomfortable. There are a lot of vegans and vegetarians out there whose aim is to  build a barrier between people only because they follow a different lifestyle....I am pretty confused because of this situation. For me personally the way you live is your own decision...the way you think is your own view over the surrounding existence.  It is exhausting how often a person is offended only because of their differences...only because he or she consumes meat or dairy products...of course for me eating meat is not the right decision but I am not the person who will insist on rejecting this type of food. My desire is to inspire people to eat more often clean and seasonal food...I also think that the geographical position of our country, the climate and the purity of the environment are the main factors that effects the local agriculture.

 We have to be proud that here in Bulgaria still exist local farmers with their private farms...we have to be proud that there are much more vegan and vegetarian products. We have to be proud that there are a lot of place where a Vegetarian or a Vegan can go and eat a real food without any criticisms...
So please be tolerant and don't discriminate someone only because of his different lifestyle...try to communicate without building this wall because at first people are live organisms and like every organism it needed to be grown with love!

Next time I will continue this topic...I want to talk about our roots and how did they live up to 80 years.

Chocolate Chia Pudding
2 bananas
1 cup of  nut milk
4 TBSP chia seeds
1 TBSP cacao

Mash the banana and add the other ingredients...stir the mixture until it gets smooth and let for at least 15 min.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Vegan Pesto/Виган босилково песто

It has been a while since I haven't posted anything...I am really sorry but for me is really important to share an information that has a special value next to the human being. So this two weeks I was thinking about myself, reasoning on who am I and is my body in a good health condition.
One of my personal requirements that builds a connection between the reality and my self conscious is the respect refreshing my future. Every time when I look around my eyes focus on faces...pale and tired faces that has been suffering from the missing of importance. And after a few years these exhausted faces will be covered by the weight of the years...and this hanker future will be destroyed...only because we have missed to be happy and proud of who we are.

So having in mind this situation we have to start appreciate what we take from the outer life...those little things that make us dreamers!

 So lets find this inspiration that dance along with our desires...that awake us every single day. It could be reading of a lovely story, drawing with your own colours or having a piece of chocolate! It doesn't matter. ...the important thing is to get out your passion.

I find my piece under the safety of food...I find myself happy when my body feels healthy. Having in mind this my personality improves itself and prevent the possibility of lost. As I have said plenty of times healthy eating is not just consuming of bio food and focusing yourself on a diet, it is the inner health...the mental health - how do you accept yourself surrounded by this overwhelmed life.
Try to ask feel your heart and to reach the attitude that make you a wiser person.
Diets helps to see the outer level of the healthy lifestyle, the important fact is- Does your body feel the reality?
So be sure that during the years there will be the possibility to get rid off the unnecessary data and to start controlling your individuality!
Find the balance between the physical and mental health...there is the Golden Mean

Next time I will touch one of the most discussed diets at the moment - being a Vegan, so I really hope you will be interested.

Vegan pesto
1 bunch of fresh Basil
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/3 cup nutritional yeast
2/3 cup olive oil
5 cloves garlic
salt and pepper

Toast the pine nuts.
Gradually mix the pine nuts, olive oil, garlic, nutritional yeast and basil in a food processor. Season with salt and pepper.