Monday, 19 September 2016

Vegan Pesto/Виган босилково песто

It has been a while since I haven't posted anything...I am really sorry but for me is really important to share an information that has a special value next to the human being. So this two weeks I was thinking about myself, reasoning on who am I and is my body in a good health condition.
One of my personal requirements that builds a connection between the reality and my self conscious is the respect refreshing my future. Every time when I look around my eyes focus on faces...pale and tired faces that has been suffering from the missing of importance. And after a few years these exhausted faces will be covered by the weight of the years...and this hanker future will be destroyed...only because we have missed to be happy and proud of who we are.

So having in mind this situation we have to start appreciate what we take from the outer life...those little things that make us dreamers!

 So lets find this inspiration that dance along with our desires...that awake us every single day. It could be reading of a lovely story, drawing with your own colours or having a piece of chocolate! It doesn't matter. ...the important thing is to get out your passion.

I find my piece under the safety of food...I find myself happy when my body feels healthy. Having in mind this my personality improves itself and prevent the possibility of lost. As I have said plenty of times healthy eating is not just consuming of bio food and focusing yourself on a diet, it is the inner health...the mental health - how do you accept yourself surrounded by this overwhelmed life.
Try to ask feel your heart and to reach the attitude that make you a wiser person.
Diets helps to see the outer level of the healthy lifestyle, the important fact is- Does your body feel the reality?
So be sure that during the years there will be the possibility to get rid off the unnecessary data and to start controlling your individuality!
Find the balance between the physical and mental health...there is the Golden Mean

Next time I will touch one of the most discussed diets at the moment - being a Vegan, so I really hope you will be interested.

Vegan pesto
1 bunch of fresh Basil
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/3 cup nutritional yeast
2/3 cup olive oil
5 cloves garlic
salt and pepper

Toast the pine nuts.
Gradually mix the pine nuts, olive oil, garlic, nutritional yeast and basil in a food processor. Season with salt and pepper.

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