Monday, 27 June 2016

Tomato Pasta with Vegan Parmesan Cheese

I don't know if I have ever mentioned that my biggest dream is to live in Italy...
I feel that I belong to this country, every time I listen to an Italian song, or just hear the Italian language my soul starts drawing on the surface of my heart lines, spots, words that resembles the Italian dream.
We all have our future, it is deeply hidden  in our eyes...stories that have been told during the generations!
We know that  the destiny is something that can't be changed but we still can avoid all the setbacks because of ourselves.

The Italian cuisine is an real is a piece of history that will be always felt by our thoughts.
  It is more than a food. It is a life, every recipe is a new story that has been described through all the different herbs and spices. It is a melody  that could be transformed in a different one but it will keep the passion...the professionalism of an artist.
The Italian cuisine is more than a pizza and a pasta  - it is wonderful Mediterranean masterpiece that embrace the whole Apennine Peninsula...Can we think about all those salads that can change your taste buds... 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Roasted Sweat potato with Quinoa

This week is really busy so I had no time to post on Monday...but here I am.
As the summer has just came around our organism needs this type of fresh food that won't make it exhausted and let's consume more veggies whether cooked or row.
Be always sure that you have a bottle of water in your bag...may you put some lemon slices in it!

Summer is the season of adventures, new reached peaks and of course LOVE...a love that keeps us motivated and trigger.
It is important to be kept aroused because our life so short...and we are that smile that will choose whether to appear on our beautiful face or to sink deep in our ill heart. There are so many things that could happen without asking you How will you feel, or Will you  be the same person who you are now...
We must carry on because we deserve it...we deserve our own life, we deserve our families...the sun, the moon that every night says ''Good night''...

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Food as a Medicine....

Hello everyone...I am so sorry that I couldn't share part of my life last Monday...but here I am...inspired, energized and loving the birth, the sun, the nature, the colors and smiles!